Friday, 11 June 2021

Nutrient Impact Experiment

Learning through science. 

Estuaries play an important role in a healthy environment. They are the connection between land and sea; they are teeming with life - the nursery of sea. 

Rivers carry nutrients out to the estuaries and into the sea, but what happens if too many nutrients are getting into water systems and estuaries? 

Our class was tasked with coming up with a way to explore this question. Hawaiki’s, Zoe, Hunia and Khody talked through their idea and the class adopted it. 

Our Plan
Create two mini environments that model living plants in the soil and living plants in rivers. Feed one water and the other water with nutrients. Watch and observe over the next few weeks.

The class learned that fair testing during an experiment makes the results reliable. We wouldn’t have different plants or amounts of water in the two models as results could be due to those variables. Because of this, everything was measured carefully.