Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Sea Week

Today we had an interesting visit from NZ Fisheries officers. They taught the class why it’s important to gather kaimoana within the rules and guidelines of recreational fishing. 
Some ideas that the class could do with exploring further are: What is a marine reserve and why is it important that we have more, what are phytoplankton and coral and how are they linked to other parts of nature, what does ecosystem mean?

Some students have watched Seaspiracy on Netflix. I encourage other to watch it too. The ideas of bycatch, the unsustainable nature of worldwide commercial fishing and the human and environmental impacts of overfishing are explored in the documentary. 

Book Day!

Last Thursday was a wonderful way to celebrate the joys of reading. We sure had an interesting and diverse range of book characters and some very creative students and families! Reading stories to your child (no matter their age) promotes reading and learning, imagination and increases their ability to concentrate for sustained periods. 

 I have fond memories of my grandfather reading snippets of Alice in Wonderland to me as a teenager. He would promote my engagement by asking me to recall what happened last time he read or to guess what will happen next. 
In today's fast-paced, over stimulated lifestyle sitting down and reading from an actual book is such a special way to connect with those we love. Make the time, enjoy the moments. 

 Stuck on ideas for books? Our local librarians have a wealth of knowledge of great read alouds. This term Duffy books also went home. Lastly, if your child says they don't have reading homework - reply with, "Oh really, I will ask your teacher about that."