Monday, 13 August 2018

Science in Nature

In class we have had an intensive two days on our Science topic, The Living World. We had the Roadshow Science day on Friday and today we all went to Puketi Forest for hands on learning around the classification of plants.

This week students will work on sharing what they have learned around plant classification. They should have their DLO (digital learning objects) on their blog by early next week. Make sure you read about what they have learned!

The Science Roadshow had a variety of tasks and challenges that the students embraced. One of the workshop explored what is common with all living things.

The way to remember it is by MRS GREEN

All living things:
Respire (breath
N ?

Comment below your suggestions and improvements on my MRS GREN!

Take a look at some of the great photos from the past week!

Portia Woodman Comes To Inspire!  Work towards the dream you have now, don't give up when faced with challenges. Refocus your dreams and continue to aim for excellence.

Monday, 6 August 2018

What's Happening in Term 3?

It is great to be back into the swing of things after the holiday period. I encourage whanau to make an effort to ensure their child has regular attendance.  Missed days here and there are really disruptive to the flow of learning and can lead to patchy understanding of concepts being taught and the quality of work created.

Few things to take note of....

  • Friday 10th is the Science Roadshow. We are really excited to take part in this hands on science, mathematics and technology program!
  • Monday 13th class trip to Puketi Forest to learn about identifying and classifying plants
  • Wednesday 22nd August is cross country day in Ohaewai. We started training last term and continue to train two days a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Encourage your child to up their training by doing extra running some evenings if possible. The course is a tough one and often leaves children feeling not fit enough!
  • Soon we will begin class fundraising for the sailing trip next term.

One thing we are focusing on this week is learning mathematical language. Often children are struggling with 'unpacking' the word problems they need to solve in PRIME mathematics. This is a gap that assessment data shows.

After going over the different language used for the four operations I set the challenge to students to create a game that will help them and others to learn the new vocabulary and a chance to practise solving word problems. I am thrilled with the creativity and teamwork that has gone into the preparation. Soon these games will come home and will be posted to blogs.

Here are some photos of a few students creating their game.

Neil and Mahina creating their 'Race to the Place' game

Fern, Kataraina, Jada and Atlanta creating their 'Loopy' game.

Tiffany creating a board game that is still to be named.

Ahi and Hunia planning their masterpiece...

Hilda-Jean writing the rules for the game her, Ocian, Davalamayne and Kuini are creating Sarn with his cards for the Operation Memory that he and Ivana are making