Thursday, 27 February 2025

So it's been a while...

This year, after a year of part-time work and working across the school, I have the pleasure of teaching Valour class. I have loved getting to know the Year 3 and Year 4 students. They are so full of life, questions and energy!

Monday, 10 April 2023

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Let's Make this place better!

This week the entire class (excluding a few who have not completed work) presented their indpendent project work. This is a presentation about linking last year's learning to our projects today.
Signal Change Pest Control by Lana Giesbers

Monday, 31 October 2022

Last Year's conservation project - this year and what it has achieved!

I am so proud of how this project last year has made the bush a safe zone for kiwi and other native creatures. Looking forwards, I wonder what our class will work on

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Irish Poems

 In class we have a goal to know different types of poems and their features.

Check out the poems the class have written and posted to their blogs!

This is the limerick I wrote about my husband, Peter

A long time ago I met a young man from Kaeo

He had the kindest, most beaufitul heart that I did know

We hung out all of the time

I thought this guy could be mine

I married that man from Kaeo 

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Ki o Rahi Tournament Term 2 2022

Last week on Thursday we took two teams to Tautoro to compete in a tournament. Overall the day was
fantastic. Each game that was played by our 'Give it a Go' team they improved their tactics and confidence.
Standout players were Gianni and Zoe. Our 'In it to Win It' team played well. They worked as a team
to do their best. Their last game, playing for third place, was a fight to the very end. It was indeed
an action-packed high intensity game. I am proud of the way they played. Player of the day goes
to Charlie. Tautoro came out overall champions for good reason: they had excellent skills and
strategies, worked well as a team and displayed exemplary sportsmanship. If something happened
to an opposition player, they would show awhi and check that they were okay. 
It never feels good to lose. In the face of defeat we must guard our hearts. We don't let bitterness or bad
attitudes cloud our minds. We respect those who beat us, say 'well done', reflect and look to the future
to learn and to grow and to become better.
Well done Tautoro School for putting on a fantastic day that ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all.
You deserve to be called Champions of the Tournament. We look forward to playing again.
Whaea Lana